Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Make Your Own Circumstances

I'm not one to blog about my thoughts, but recently I've gotten sick of this whole "oh, the circumstances aren't right" thing. People can't do this or that...can't take advantage of things, won't go somewhere, won't do something for whatever reason. I recently ran into this quote:

"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."

I never found the author, but I like to believe I live my life by it everyday. Work hard in whatever it is you do, climb harder, climb from dawn to dusk, go that extra mile, add that extra 10 pounds to your set, hike that extra 2 miles...whatever it is. If you work hard at something it will come to you. Sitting back and waiting for things to happen is not going to get you anywhere in life.

I like to think that's what this team is all about. Yeah, things haven't exactly been a smooth road for us. We started out as a bunch of amateurs (and still are...just with some experience now), but I'd like to think we are "making our own circumstances if they aren't already there". I've gotten certified in Wilderness First Aid and Leave No Trace ethics while taking plenty of trips backpacking, climbing, and snowboarding. (including a trip in May down to Florida to work with Kyle). Kyle is working at a camp in Colorado all summer. Pete is living the outdoors life leading trips with NOLS, and leading biking trips. Ben just graduated from the University of Oregon, and is now working outside, and still leading trips with Ice Axe men. Joe and his wife just had a kid, so he is enjoying that new mountain in his life. Justin is showing his girlfriend the outdoors, and doing trips with her.

Regardless of where we are we are each individually living life to the fullest, and working to better ourselves with the goal that when we all come together again as a team (hopefully soon) all the hard work we each put in will help better the team as a whole.

I guess in the end I just wanted to reach out and tell everyone to live their life to the fullest. Get off the couch, get out of your house, and enjoy everything the outdoors has to offer. Whether that's just taking a day hike and venturing to the local state park for a day or going on a full-fledged week long backpacking trip is up to you. Just don't be settled with what you have. Always strive for more, and never be satisfied with what you have. There's always more to have out there. You only live once...enjoy it.
